Last Sunday we had the last of our Summer Events and I had the best ride I have had in quite a while. I did coaching as a fund raiser for our Aussie TdN Team on Saturday, but Sunday I felt like i really got the time to focus on my own ride. It wasn't a hard Trial but my head was very clear and focused. I didn't get uncertain at all about line choice and I felt great on the bike all day. i think it very rare that you really have days like that, but I think our holiday time did me well! I think for many of us getting a moment to actually slow our minds and get focused before our ride for the day, can be the biggest hurdle. life/work/helping at the club or event can really affect your ride. Some times after everyone has started their ride, I will sit down and have a quiet cup of tea before I start our day. I felt great all day.... that was until after the trial. After we had all wrapped up I helped pack up a section and then had a play around, in the process I tweaked my left calf muscle. So I have been limping around since! Hope you all get out on the bike this weekend!

Posted by Neil Price at 2022-05-06 14:01:28 UTC