As I look back on this off season, I feel there are SOO many things I have learned in the last 3-4 months. I was committed to better turning and focused on off camber and slippery conditions. Weight back on down hill to uphill turns and not dipping head inside and dabbing, but rather using proper arms straight form. Soo many points taken here I really wanted to dial in my turns before any events came around and I feel I was able to see big improvement there. Better core strength and overall fitness (unfortunately I pinched a nerve in my back in January), but am committed to keeping that from happening again. More leg strength to hold a good squat position and proper form for this tall lanky guy. Next was focusing on better RSG and ride technique. As I learned to keep my head back, and dip knees forward, rather than hips back, it lead to lift and leverage. I also got to feel this on my push bike while learning rear wheel hops. This lift lead to experimenting with splat technique and pushing through the pegs to create faster lift - which has been a real game changer as I went back and forth with @Peter Mack who kept pushing me as we spurred each other on with splat attempts. 😉 Man that was fun. Then riding with @Ron Hensley where we both had the foundation of Neil's teaching that we could relate and really dial in together with common understanding. Too bad we live like 20 hours apart. I know I still have a long ways to go with turns and ride/splat, but I wanted to share with you all my excitement about the developments and if you want to see what I'm talking about, I'll drop a link to my video journal where I mention how much actual ride time I put in along with more commentary on the above. Thanks @Neil Price and the whole community for your support. This group rocks 🤘🔥👊😎💡💯😁

Posted by Deleted (49e7edec) at 2022-04-15 02:59:49 UTC