When I'm in the car for an hour or so I frequently put on @David Grice's Trials Australia Podcasts (only when I'm on my own ... my wife draws the line!). If I'm caught up with the latest I scroll back to some of the older ones I haven't heard (I only started maybe a year ago). Today I noticed that there was a podcast with @Jenna_Lupo so I fired it up and I have to say what a brilliant conversation! Often listening to these stories by myself I am often grinning, laughing and slapping my thighs with amazement as I drive along, and this one was no exception. Jenna you are a gem, not only as a gutsy dedicated determined talented rider but you're a captivating speaker too; it was great to hear your amazing story, and you tell it so well. If anyone hasn't heard it, have a look for it - well worth a listen!

Posted by Andrew von Berky at 2022-02-16 09:11:39 UTC