After the trial yesterday I came away with a couple of things to work on (hopping really let me down in a couple of sections, multiple obstacles/steps, accuracy, concentration) but it also reinforced that I am really not that aware of what my weaknesses actually are. It's a bit of a "you don't know what you don't know" situation. This is something I've struggled with all along - I can identify one or two stronger areas, but out of the remaining multitude I struggle to decide which to call a weakness - they all are. So #askneil what is a good way to really identify the weak areas to focus on? This feels like a bit of a dumb question but it really does perplex me. Oh, and if @Wes or @David Grice who're the only ones to have actually seen me ride want to make suggestions I will really appreciate it - you can be as blunt as you like, I don't take offence!

Posted by Peter Mack at 2022-01-30 07:30:10 UTC