Spent the arvo riding the type of snotty stuff they usually set for us at the aussies. I’m finding lately that I don’t mind practicing this stuff. I used to hate it, because I couldn’t do it, I just wanted to ride big rocks. As usual, the video makes these lines look diddly, but I can guarantee I was working my ass off and some of them even scared me because of the drop to one side. I’ve been riding here since I started trials in late 2017, and it’s only this year that I’ve started to try some of the dodgier stuff! Couple of vids at the start are just some techniques that I probably wouldn’t use in a trial (some hop flicky thing and jumping gaps on the back wheel) but I still practice them frequently because they’re fun! And I added some fails too, because I can’t always get something the first try.

Posted by Jenna_Lupo at 2021-10-21 01:19:32 UTC