@Neil Price Howdy. Been feeling pretty run down the last few weeks, and on top of that the bike has been down a little for season end maintenance. Anyway apologize for being quiet lately. Looks like several good posts have popped up. Look forward to catching up! Anyway posting another checkup video on my step efforts. I believe my form is hopefully heading in the right direction. I have added the 55 gallon drum in before it. It has slowed me down and I believe that has been a help to some degree. So I noticed I am doing this weird dual stage thing with my legs. I am also feeling the change in timing as my technique "improves". I am feeling like now I am in this weird spot of the bike is sometimes not rotating fast enough now that I am closer. On the flip sometimes I am rotating too fast for how far away I am and end up backing off the power/clutch and run out of momentum by the time I make it up and fall to the bash. IDK if this means I am at the point I just need to hit the wall a million more times and cement things further, or if I am still not entirely on the right track. Hence the ask for a checkup. I can say whatever is up with me physically these last several weeks I am feeling physically weak and my body "while hopefully improving in form" is not reacting with the strength, or commitment I want. Sadly it is effecting more than my riding, but that is a different story. Anyway before this becomes my next novel I'll sign off and just ask for "keep going, or wait a tick fix_____" from you. Thanks Neil. Hope everyone here is doing great!. So far the few posts I've read seems like everyone has had some epic stuff in their riding happen lately. AWESOME GUYS !!!!!! ....Hmm why is my text red????? idk...strange... anyway personal thought... subconsciously I wonder if the two stage leg movement is related to feeling like I will rotate too soon and my subconscious is doing this to delay it. It is not a conscious action, and not noticed previously. ...

Posted by Shawn McGinnis at 2021-10-21 01:16:13 UTC