I just want to crow that we had a brilliant Friday Arvo Trials Practice today! I thought it might be a small rollup but we ended up having ELEVEN RIDERS!!! Might be a record! My mate Liam who I rode with at the trial on the weekend came and he's so positive and enthusiastic. We also had THREE NEWBIES too!! So there's me, certainly no expert but putting out cones to give these guys basic drills and learner RSG training!! It was really great actually. Two of the guys have trials bikes but are just starting the journey, and the other is a guy I met for an enduro ride recently, and after this arvo, he's looking at buying a trials bike too. People wander around doing whatever stuff they feel like and there are so many options you can't do justice to it all in one arvo. Of course, those of us in the inner circle name drop regularly "@Neil Price says ..." Having the guys come up for the trials practice has become the highlight of my week. Problem is that on Friday morning I always get ideas of things I could do to prepare for them coming, e.g. today raking and blowing some tracks due to the massive amount of leaf litter ... cutting up trees that had fallen in the bush in the recent wind, etc etc and seeing a new line and shifting rocks and logs ... and by the time the guys turn up at midday I'm absolutely shagged!! But it is great.

Posted by Andrew von Berky at 2021-09-24 09:26:09 UTC