ROLL BACK CHALLENGE The #rollbackchallenge has been Massive!! you guys have done soo well with heaps of lightbulb moments! Your feedback on #feelings has really highlighted these moments of learning! SO here is my feedback to you guys!! Big points to take out of all this; - Forks move at an angle and brings the bike forward - Swing Arm moves in an arc and can actually pull the bike backwards - Front brake only gets more movement with longer/slower/freer action and a certain bottoming point - Rear Brake stops the back wheel and bike moving forward and adds "tension to the system" - movement off this "tension" needs to be gentle or you will break the tension, and lose energy to the damper. KEEP the challenge going for another week and Narrow your focus down to - front brake only and allowing a long slow movement trying to find the bottom of the stroke (play with moving this fast and slow) - Front and Rear Brake combined feel the tension occuring, and pushing off it gently, (then play with really hard movements also) EPIC work all of you keep it up!

Posted by Neil Price at 2021-09-24 03:33:06 UTC