FEEDBACK @KevR Ride Technique Kevin i talk a whole lot of waffle in the video but I'll summarise it down. As you said there is 20yrs of doing it one way and we need to alter things, but you have a good starting point and I know you'll adapt well. Major Points: - Body Imbalances, your squat and standing action is not all functionally moving as one, knees, hips and upper back/arms are all working independently and not together. - Riding primarily on the throttle - Tendency to bias momentum/speed Steps from here: 1. Get you the body balance in order first; I would suggest starting with the following exercises, with little to no weight and just focusing in on the correct form. - Glute Bridge x 10 (twice a day) - Deadlifts x 10 (twice a day) - Either no weight or very light weights, can be dumbbells or bottles of water. once you have them dialled take them to both doing single leg. 2. Stationary ride technique. This is to try and slow you down and shift the GO moment to being on the clutch rather than the throttle. This should be easy enough to find something there are your practice spot watch this video here I also tagged you on this video in the comments- Ill let the video cover the rest and give the reasons why. Hopefully I haven't confused you!

Posted by Neil Price at 2025-01-27 10:24:22 UTC