So, I've made a thing! This is what 14 day iso and lockdowns will do to you. With Neil's permission I am including this community in a soft launch. The Trials Australia Podcast will soon also be ***LIVE STREAMED*** video. Not for interviews, but more like a motovlog. I intend to broadcast live from practice and competitive trials events where mobile reception allows. I need to keep testing the tech to get it stable, and due to lockdowns I can't ride at the moment. So I am just testing this when I am out for my walks and bike rides. If anyone here is able to help me test this it would be appreciated so it's ready to roll when we I am allowed out to play. What I need from you is: - Subscribe to youtube & twitch (links below) - Set notification such that you get alerts of when I go live - Jump on a stream and interact via chat (youtube gets relayed to Twitch so only need to be on one stream) - Tell me about sound and picture quality (via chat) - Tell me about any glitching/network jitter etc (via chat) - Any other random interaction you care to have (like tell me which streets to turn down on my walk, or ask which guests are coming up next on the podcast!) I'll have your chat messages read aloud via text to speech to my bluetooth headset (with about a 15-30 second delay). I don't have a set schedule of when I will be trying this but assume between Melbourne lunch time until our 9pm curfew. Youtube: Twitch:

Posted by David Grice at 2021-08-31 13:35:50 UTC