Throttle = Availability Clutch = Delivery Ever thought, or heard, "I need a bigger bike for more torque!" 🤔 Think again! As a coach, I've encountered countless riders fixated on capacity, believing they need a 300 for the "Torque". But here's the twist: it's not about the size of the engine, it's about mastering clutch control. It's very rare anyone in Trials or Hard Enduro needs more than what a standard bike delivers. Now there is a time and place for needing a 300, but riding solely on the throttle binds you to the limitations of power and torque at specific RPMs. But if you flip the script and embrace clutch control, you unleash the true potential of any bike. Torque rises with RPM, so if you hold the RPM higher and deliver on the clutch, you can use the torque available at ANY rpm level and even at very low speeds.

Posted by Neil Price at 2024-05-12 02:00:07 UTC