FEEDBACK @Svobodna01 Question 2: Carrying the front and landing balanced The Question I am answering here is: "2) When I either carry the front from one obstacle to another and try to stop the bike there or just lift and place the front tire on a single obstacle I often bounce off and lose my balance. Can I reduce that in any way with my body position? Or should I just be slower, front wheel higher and dropping down more than hitting into it. In the video I had the most problems with the small/big log combo, any advice?" So firstly your progression on smoothly riding the logs and carrying the front is quite good! you are more in control from videos in the past. Well done. Major Points Use this as a progression, and work through each of these steps. Don't jump ahead on this too quickly 1. Take the front further over the obstacle before you GO. Instead of your GO moment being on top of the log, wait just a touch longer till the front is rolling onto the down side of the log. This will need you to hold it on the brakes... quite difficult. 2. Ride "up" the face more than "into" the obstacle. I know that sounds vague. Its holding that bike back and allowing it to rotate. 3. Lower your COG, let the bike ride up underneath you and get into a low V of you and the bike. If the COG is lower you feel more stable, you don't feel high of the ground, and the impact is reduced dramatically! 4. Absorb the landing with your arms and legs. Essentially you place the bike before you apply your body weight to it. Even a small amount of this has a significant effect. If you have any other questions let me know!

Posted by Neil Price at 2024-04-10 09:08:26 UTC