FEEDBACK for @Peter Mack Triple Step So first up I was a little tired when i filmed this one, I really hope this hits the point. Your riding this very well! That is not an easy line by any stretch of the imagination!! This is quite long as there is 3 things I am feeding back to. 1 - The Triple Step 2- Getting out of being "stuck" on the sump of the second rock ( I know you didn't ask for that) 3 - The Embankment/Gap to climb MAJOR POINTS TRIPLE STEP - ROCK 1: sets everything up. Your GO moment on that first rock varies. When you land the front a little too far there is less room and time for the bike to lift and then the rear wheel hits hard and pulls the front down. If you GO a touch earlier your bike has the clearance to lift. But you really want to learn to be able to adjust and create more of a vertical trajectory in the moment as you land the front. That is really standing up and back and allowing more rotation of the bike and getting comfortable with the front riding up high and waiting for the bike to climb all the way up the step first. When you let the bike ride high don't stand up on the bike tall as we do in our exercises, let the bike rise under you so end up low on the bike for rock #2 - ROCK 2: Just give the bike a smidge more time and allow it to roll down the first rock before you drive the rear wheel on the clutch. If you drive down the back side of the rock too hard it will make riding up the second rock much harder. Otherwise follow the same process as the first rock. Aim to then drive the bike in a steeper trajectory and let the front wheel ride high, and the back wheel to climb all the way to the top. - ROCK 3: We can look at that after we get 1+2 spot on. GETTING UNSTUCK You rode this incredibly well! that is a tough position to get out of! - Don't bring your body so far forward within the action, take your shoulders more "up and back" to allow more rotation, like i mentioned to Wes the other week. Its really getting comfortable with that front wheel riding higher. It's actually not a lot higher but it will feel crazy high. This will take a bit of time to adapt to and get the feel for it. - Make an effort to push the bike onto the step, push it away from your body. When you do this you will feel like you are left hanging back off the step and it may feel like you wont make it on. There is quite a lot of fine adjustment in that and also getting comfortable with it. - Stay back and learn to get comfortable trusting in the traction on the rock ( whilst there is some.). Even in the wet you will be amazed how much traction there will be - With all of the hanging back and front high riding the V of rider and bike really matters. There is a lot of fine adjustment that will occur. GAP > BANK CLIMB - Try not to bring your body back before you go. Just lower down, to reduce how much leverage occurs - Allow a small drop in the tension of your arms so again there is a reduction in tension/leverage - Aim to drive across the gap, (not lift over it), then allow a long drawn out leverage action all the way up the climb. Now I know what Tolstoy felt like when he finished War and Peace.... šŸ¤£ Let me know if you any questions!

Posted by Neil Price at 2024-03-27 09:20:24 UTC