Clutch setup affects your skill development. Adjust your lever setup so your finger rests near the end of the lever. Slide that clamps towards the bend in your handlebar and away from your grip. Why? Two game-changing reasons: 1️⃣ Lighter action means less fatigue over those long riding days. Save your energy for where and when you need it! 2️⃣ Leverage gives you a longer, slower action. And why does that matter? Because it gives your brain the time it needs to process and perceive what's happening. A longer window of time makes learning easier—more time for your brain to recognize the correlation, and convert it to a skill. This is why starting with smaller capacities is often recommended. Less power slows the action and speeds up your skill development. So, bring that finger out to the end of the lever and feel the difference!
Posted by Neil Price at 2024-02-15 10:45:53 UTC