Hola folks. I'm in Seattle area, been a weekend warrior of one motorcycle discipline or the other since 2005 or so (road racing, supermoto, flat track, off-road, now hard enduro and trials). Taken all sorts of classes including from people like Shane Watts and Cody Webb. But I feel like my trials training is way too unstructured and I end up wasting time learning stuff out of sequence and then not knowing when to apply which technique. I'm not that interested in trials competition at the moment (might change as I get even older, soon 50), but I would like to make good gains in my hard enduro skills. Preparing to race Silver Kings this year also, and I can ride my EM EPure every day so I'm using that to help my enduro bike progression. Pic attached of the stuff I'm trying to ride up these days, and another one from Cody Webb's school.

Posted by Dmitry A at 2024-02-08 23:45:45 UTC