FEEDBACK for @Vivian Ride Technique I know I commented to Vivians Question on when and how to add rear brake into riding a step, but I wanted to touch on a couple of extra points that will help (LINK is at the button below) Major points - Slow the approach further - GO point closer again - This will all reduce the speed built up and ride up more than into, and make controlling the brake easier to play with and cary the front wheel arc i suggest after the step. COMMENTS COPY AND PASTED FROM VIVIANS POST The vast majority of the control on top is clutch, but the rear brake becomes important in time, and you should train to use both. Before you do the exercises give your calves a good stretch equally. Do some fig 8s on a camber but with rear brake only to really connect the brain to the rear brake. BRAKE CONTROL 1 - Find a small (easy for you) obstacle like a smaller log. Aim to ride to the top, and get the front as high as possible, and stop up on the back wheel with the rear brake. Build up gradually. 2 - Try to get the front as high as you can comfrotably after the step in the video, and bring the front wheel down with the rear brake, 2 bike lengths from the step. Ultimately try to do this with out the front dropping when the back wheel hits the face. let it carry a smooth arc to when you place the front down. 3 - When you have that sorted, place a rock or small obstacle on the ground about 1.5 - 2 bike lengths from the top of the step. (that measurement is for you with where your skills are at currently. If someone wasnt so far down the track i'd suggest like 3 bike lengths). Put a relatively flat rock, something that you would feel if you landed your front wheel on the front edge, but not so big it would hurt if you got it wrong. Do the step and try to land the front on top of the rock. When you feel that is easy, step it up by alternating between, - land after the rock, - land on top of rock, - land in front of rock Forces you to adjust with the brake and clutch, and you have gauge. Clutch is always the majority and rear brake is the extra adjustor As you get better bring the rock closer, until its a bike length from the step. Again keep a smooth arc of the front wheel to the rock. Take these steps in very small increments over time.
Posted by Neil Price at 2023-11-07 15:08:35 UTC