FEEDBACK @deletedmember - Double Step and Single RSG You move very well with the bike! Also the way you have adjusted in the video you posted in the comments was brilliant too! So the main points to improve from here that i see are below; DOUBLE STEP - Ridden on the throttle with bias to speed/momentum This is make things harder as the steps get bigger for you. - Aim to lower the speed as much as possible and increase the time the back wheel has to track the step Process - Add this into a technique circuit 1. Slow it down Even if you continue to use the throttle, slow it down as much as you can first. If you continue riding on the throttle you'll get to a lower limit of idle speed. 2. Clutch seperation To slow down further focus on using the clutch to cut the power earlier and hold load still. 3. Stop back wheel at lip After you have slowed things down further, try to stop the back wheel on the top lip of the 2nd step. 4. Stop front wheel on 2nd step After you have all these in place, reduce your ride speed even lower by stopping the front wheel on the second step. SINGLE STEP - Reduce Speed + Bring GO Closer to Step By doing both of these you wont try to cover the distance to the step, which is what is really bringing your body forward to a certain extent. There is a moment of letting the bike move away from you, then you pull forward. - Then focus on the rotation and leverage When you are comfortable with being closer you can then focus a little more on the rotation and leverage of the bike. Allow it to rotate more, and hold the front higher if you choose to with leverage. Then you'll be able to drop the RPM lower again. But don't worry about this till you have the speed reduced and distance of your GO shortened. Let me know if you have any questions!

Posted by Neil Price at 2023-06-20 07:16:24 UTC