@Neil Price suggested a few clicks and tweaks on my drill of stopping the bike and standing up; mostly to give rpms sooner and to try and push more with my arms. 1) RPMs. I have noticed it's much more difficult to be precise with front wheel placement when I keep rpms on earlier and I also had to figure out what distance for pulling the wheelie suits this style more without slaming into the face of the rock or doing a plateu instead of an arch. Generally I think I hit lower then I have before. 2)Suspension: I have added 3 clicks of rebound and 1.5 turns of compression on the forks and the feeling is better. I'm contemplating on trying to add a turn or two of preload just to see what happens. 3)pushing with my hands. I'm consciously trying to push myself up from the handlebars on stading up. In order to do so I have to start with my body a bit more to the back of the bike/upright and I have to start dropping my body as soon as the front wheel is up. Or atleats that's what it feels when I'm doing it. If I'm unsure, if I'm going to hit the right spot or not and spend the time to adjust the front wheel placement, I'm dropping too late so when I hit the face I'm not ready to stand up + front fork bounce. The same if my arch is to small (short distance for a wheelie) or there is too much momentum (starting too far back). Neil, a quick question, when there is an actual release of the clutch you release clutch and brake levers. What happens with the throttle; do you keep it open or close it at the same time? #punch
Posted by Svobodna01 at 2023-06-10 00:04:27 UTC