Couple of things. @Neil Price and all of you, need help :-) All are on the video. 1 - RSG. I think it’s better. Progressing. Focusing still on slowing down the action and be more in the bike, resist the force pulling my hips back.. I see some progress 2 - Drive technique. On smaller obstacle I slowly progress into keeping the wheel up after the technique - and it somehow is progressing. I need to focus on pushing legs into the step and then the front is lighter . 3 - but on the big step - watch the video. a) I’m starting slowing down the legs action - and it somehow result with front wheel staying in the air. I think that is ok. b) I also have some non-conciuous impulse/reaction that I’m adding the throttle when I’m on the top of the obstacle. I'm worried I don't make it to the top?? It doesn’t hurt when I was keeping my body really forward… the worst that was happening was the rear wheel spin. But this time - I was “in the correct” (right?) position - and I added a bit of throttle and I looped out … then I panicked… So the questions: - where is the main error/errors? - the error is that I’m adding the throttle on the top? I should be resisting that temptation? - or I had the wrong position when climbing that tall obstacle? - I have also the smaller obstacle - and I think my position is very the same as in the tall one… but I don’t add the extra throttle being on the back rear… P.S. I'm totally ok! I jumped to the bike and rode againg the "Tall" obstacle couple of times. I know how to do it safely (by moving body forward) - but I can't do it with my front wheel up - I'm afraid currently. I can train on smaller obstacle - it feels similar. @Neil Price maybe we could do a call?

Posted by at 2023-06-06 19:22:32 UTC