This seems a bit like groundhog day - I've visited this rear hopping previously, but with a bit of a different focus. This time I'm mostly trying to develop balance and coordination on the back wheel with the outcome being that I'm more confident to hop up onto stuff and not rush to get off it again. To be able to pause on the back more confidently. I'd also like to start to be able to better reposition the back wheel underneath me - I can feel just the beginning hints of that happening sometimes. I'm heading this direction partly as a result of working on splat/hops off the back wheel, I often don't get up to or past the balance point which results in the Go being rushed. This isn't my best effort, but it's about average I guess. So my #askneil is have you got a progression/tactics for developing balance on the rear other than what I'm doing here on a hill and doing RSG past balance then catching it on the brake - they're about my only tactics at present.

Posted by Peter Mack at 2023-04-02 08:41:27 UTC