FEEDBACK @Dan Evans This was a great video to review. Having so many progressive attempts and seeing your progression in time makes me thing this is a combination of 3 things; Major points - Body too Deep/forward in the squat, - Throttle/Clutch Acceleration - Mentally over thinking or feeling the complexity of what you are trying to do. I think @Peter Mack and @Andrew von Berky were on the money with their thoughts. I don't think you need too much of a specific instruction from here other than focusing on how you squat and how you stand from there, to get the pull on the bars which = leverage-traction-lift. Also as a strategy when you do go back to the same spot, I suggest you ride it casually for the first say 10-15 attempts. When i say casually, I mean in an observant, relaxed frame of mind. After those attempts then get more focused and accountable. Watching your progression, i can't help but think that largely the reason was, you were getting more comfortable with the feeling of the step. So with each attempt it became more certain, and familiar, so you could get more logical and deliberate. Let me know your thoughts! #RSG #leverage #splatt #log #body #tooforward #toodeep #overthebars #lift #standing

Posted by Neil Price at 2023-01-10 23:16:30 UTC