FEEDBACK @ashesman 1st RSG attempt I am really glad you posted this video! The best part of doing all this together is so often there are differences in situation and context and we all get more out of it! Your standing action is fantastic and really adds to the leverage you get over the bike! Key Points - Throttle and clutch seperation - The old chestnut that we all encounter, most of your Go moment in the video are on the throttle in some way. - Your standing action is REALLY good - You are not letting the bike move forward, and are holding tension on the bars really well. But Try not to go too deep/low with your upper body, it will make life easier and the outcome better. Really focus on holding the Throttle constant, not adding any extra, and only releasing the clutch. I really recommend to do a slower release of the clutch at first without any consideration to lift the front wheel, as that can help your brain process it, and break the habit. #RSG #Throttle #clutch #throttleandclutchseperation #standing #GO #standingtogo #leverage #bikegettinginfront #seperation #clutchrelease
Posted by Neil Price at 2023-01-10 13:53:57 UTC