FEEDBACK @Svobodna01 on Ride Technique Ines, first up you ride at a very good level! You said you work with a local coach, clearly you are both doing a great job! There is a lot of thoughts in the video on the points below, but really all you want to focus on is shortening the RSG pattern and bringing it all closer to the step. That above all will have the biggest effect for you at this moment. With your base skill set that you already have, and your clear determination and attitude you will do awesome things! 😜👍. Its worth looking at Michael Wilsons Feedback video that i am about to post, it is very relevant. Points covered; - Shorten RSG pattern and bring the GO moment closer to the step. - Allowing the bike to get in front of you creates a moment of less tension on the bars, allowing for instability. - Clarifying Unweighting Let me know if you have any other questions!! #RSG #shorteningRSG #closer #ridetechnique #ride #stability #unweighting
Posted by Neil Price at 2022-12-23 11:05:12 UTC