Hi from Slovenia! I'm Ines, and I've been riding trials and hard enduro since late 2019. Coming back from a one year pause in April I started to ride mostly trials because a trials training takes less time than doing a hard enduro/enduro loop, and having a baby at home, free time really is limited ( I spend a lot of time practicing with babyfone nearby πŸ˜„) I'm looking to improve my skils in trials and also to transfer them to hard enduro. As a short rider I can't use dabbing as much, so my best chance is to ride it. Right now I'm working on (struggling really, but working on sounds way better πŸ˜‡) front&rear wheel hopping and zaps/punches, so I'm eager to give RSG a go. I'm lucky to be able to train with our 8 time national champion, but sometimes it feels like it's just too much things to focus on at the same time. He is great and helps me soo much. But sometimes he makes it look like a walk in a park and I'm just sitting there feeling like an idiot for not being able to sync diping my knees and snapping back with suspension movement, knowing that on top of that I have to add both brakes, throttle, clutch and side movement to that... So I'm looking forward to try simplifying, breaking techinques down and creating patterns when I train alone and see if I can advance my skils further, faster and safer.

Posted by Svobodna01 at 2022-11-28 19:14:46 UTC