Back at it today. We worked more on RSG for Stacy so we stayed up front in the drive. There were many more "failed" attempts then what is seen in this video, but the last two were really pretty awesome with the last on being the best I've ever done. I could try 100 more times, and I will, and maybe not recreate that last one. One day I will do it again, and sometime down the road I'll do it again..., and then again, and someday... well someday it will just be the norm. ! But for today my body and mind got a taste of what it feels like. As Neil says "learning patterns". I know more and more what isn't the right pattern which means each time I "fail" my body and mind is one step closer to knowing the right pattern. Hope everyone is doing great! Feet up !

Posted by Shawn McGinnis at 2021-07-08 02:35:28 UTC