G'day, I'm looking forward to hearing what everyone has been up to. Here's a recap which I will try to keep as brief as I can. We've had two Victorian two day titles here in Victoria for the two motorcycling organisations and a tdn format event, which I have to say was possibly the most fun I have had over a trial. I had the pleasure of riding with the Scott boys which was great just to watch Tom (expert rider, one of the best in aus) ride around, and we managed to bag third place despite getting fives all round on one section. The MV titles were a really tough standard of sections which I enjoyed, I had some silly mistakes not reading sections correctly etc but once I got some flow happening rode well overall. The AMA titles was my first properly wet muddy trial and to begin with I really struggled to enjoy myself as the conditions were just so tough. In the end I learnt a lot about riding in the wet and staying dry which will hopefully be valuable in the future. Great to be back in the community and I hope everyone is well.

Posted by Wes at 2022-10-08 03:04:37 UTC